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Articles & Stories

Lenovo and Intel Power Solutions to Improve Mobility for Every Body - Lenovo StoryHub

When you hear the words “transformative technology,” what comes to mind? At Lenovo, we believe transformative tech powers big dreams. It turns otherwise challenging tasks into enjoyable, uninterrupted activities. And it makes life better. But we’re not the only ones who feel that way.Just ask our partner, TRAZER, a company on a mission to improve injury recovery and risk assessment in sports, senior care, on the job, and beyond through innovative data generation. With TRAZER, providers can asses...

How to Recognize a Merchant Services Scam

Have you ever been tempted to use the phrase, “that sounds too good to be true”?

Most people, especially business owners, find themselves using this common adage frequently. And not without good reason.

The unfortunate reality is, most out-of-this-world amazing deals come with unpleasant hidden secrets. Secrets that often go undiscovered until it’s too late. Scammers will try to steal money and sensitive information from any person or business, which means everyone is at risk.

Payment Trends to Watch for in 2022: Pandemic-Driven Innovation

These past two years have been downright difficult for all of us, but the human race is resilient. We strive for better days and bigger opportunities. Our pure ambition cannot be quarantined.

This ambition – created from resilience, big dreams, and perhaps a dash of desperation – is one positive notion we can take from the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to the ambition of businesses big and small, we accelerated payments innovation past previous projections and into the future.

The demand for conta

Order & Pay-at-Table Options Benefit Everyone. Here's Why.

At Total Touch, we’re all about helping restaurants like yours offer the best dining experience possible.

Many factors contribute to this dining experience, such as the attitude and attentiveness of your staff, wait times, and of course the food. Another key contributor to the success of a dining experience is the checkout process. Is the customer left waiting several minutes for the check? Did a team member forget to apply the customer’s coupon? Was the customer accidentally charged incorrectl

Merchant Services vs. Payment Processing: What's the Difference?

If you were under the impression that a merchant services provider and credit card processor were one and the same, you’re not alone. Many people outside of the payments industry assume that these services are provided by the same company. They absolutely can be (we’ll get to that later), but the concepts of merchant services and credit card processing are very different.

This post will help you understand those differences and choose the right partner for your needs.

At their core, merchant s

The Integral Role of Nonverbal Communication in Sales

There once was a very ambitious lumberjack.

This lumberjack wanted to be the best, so he applied with the top company in town. To convince the owner to hire him, the lumberjack offered to work the first day for free and prove his ability. So, the owner hired him and sent him off to work.

The first day, the lumberjack cut down 25 trees – more than anyone else on the team. Every day for the first month, he chopped down 25 trees. However, in the second month he only cut about 20 per day. In the t

How to Write a Business Plan for Your Retail Store

Have you ever experienced a burst of creative genius, fabricated something lovely, and had someone say, "Wow! You should sell that" or, "That's a great business idea!"

It's a great feeling to know that something you consider a hobby could become a way to make some extra cash.

You start selling a few pieces here and there, and people seem to enjoy what you create.

As demand for your creations starts to grow, you wonder, "What if I opened my own retail shop? Could it be possible?"


Email Marketing Basics | How to Develop a Strategy for Small Business

Whether your small business is currently operating online or in-person, you need a way to stay in contact with current customers and attract new ones. Email marketing is a great tool for exactly that!

Did you know that the very first marketing email, sent in 1978, resulted in $13 million in sales? Back then, the idea of sending a potential customer a direct email to sell a product or service was a completely revolutionary concept. Today, we receive hundreds of emails each week marketing product

How to Make Connections and Generate Leads without Tradeshows

2020 has been unplanned, unpredictable, and unkind to a lot of people. So many things that we are used to or that we typically enjoy in this season have been canceled or postponed indefinitely due to the current public health crisis. Unfortunately, tradeshows are right along with them.

Since most tradeshows involve being in a large room with thousands of people, most figured it would only be a matter of time before they were canceled for this year. However, these cancelations aren’t just puttin

Cornerstone of Hope: Where No Grieving Person Journeys Alone

EMS is proud to support our Cleveland community in a variety of ways. Over the years we’ve collectively donated our time and talents, our services and knowledge, toys, supplies, food, and have sponsored outstanding organizations through monetary contributions. One of these outstanding organizations that EMS has sponsored for many years is Cornerstone of Hope.

It only takes one visit to the facility in Independence to witness the unique passion of Cornerstone of Hope. Even though it is located o

EMS Sponsors Coach Sam's Inner Circle Foundation Annual Golf Outing

On Monday, August 5th the Electronic Merchant Systems team sponsored and participated in the Coach Sam’s Inner Circle Foundation Annual Golf Outing. It was a beautiful day filled with great golf, an auction, raffle prizes, fantastic food, and not a cloud in the sky. During the event, we sat down with the Executive Director of the foundation, Ori Akrish, to learn a bit more about the foundation’s history and mission.

History of the Inner Circle Foundation

When the Inner Circle Foundation was or